Based on the experiences of 6 young people from Crewe, Waiting To be Saved, explores the issues behind the term “neglected children”.
The performance explores what it is like to be neglected, how this neglect is shown in day to day
life, the difficulties of telling people about neglect and how children in these situations often find themselves unable to cope and are desperately “waiting to be saved”.
First performed for Crewe LSCB conference.
The performance explores what it is like to be neglected, how this neglect is shown in day to day
life, the difficulties of telling people about neglect and how children in these situations often find themselves unable to cope and are desperately “waiting to be saved”.
First performed for Crewe LSCB conference.
“Emotional, startling and real.”
Crewe Conference Delegate
Crewe Conference Delegate
Solo Performance
£ 250.00
(excluding travel and overnight accommodation)
£ 250.00
(excluding travel and overnight accommodation)